Day: <span>May 23, 2020</span>

The end of power, privilege, and prejudice in our writing (?)

It is the 21st century and we are more aware of the importance of skills like critical thinking, problem-solving and social and cultural awareness than ever, aren’t we??? In this globalized world, we foster learning strategies and social skills because we may need to communicate and collaborate with people from …

Is the EFL classroom more than reading and writing?

The attitudes towards foreign language classes diverge widely. Some persons think a language teacher should teach writing and reading predominately while others think creative aspects and speaking are more important. In the following, the role of multiliteracies in the 21st century will be illustrated. To start with a consensus in …

Writing – a skill that has become irrelevant for language learners?!

Writing a poem or an analysis of Shakespeare’s Orthello (1603) seem to be very conservative tasksin our digitalized world. You might even think that writing an analysis is no longer part of the competencies students need to have in the 21st century, so why then still teach writing in class? …

Are you a multiliterate person? What role did education play in your development?

By definition, “a multiliterate person has ideally developed functional, multimodal, visual anddigital literacies, is able to critically reflect about and evaluate texts, and displays multilingualand transcultural awareness” (Elsner and Viebrock 28). But does this apply to you? Did yourteachers support your development to become a multiliterate person?To gain these abilities, …