The holy grail?

The holy grail?

Think for a minute: if you had to choose one skill to build a successful life on, which one would it be?

Clearly, the definition of a successful life varies from person to person. Feeling satisfied with most areas of your life seems to be a good definition. For most people, this satisfaction comes from being able to do things they want and avoid unpleasant experiences. The definition of the New London Group simply argues for participation, which is very neutral. Nevertheless: the goal is set.

Can learning multiliteracies be that one skill to rule them all?

To answer that question, there are two points to consider first:  What is and will be important in the 21st century and which problems are accompanied by that? The first question can be seen as a strategical, the second question as a question of tactics. It is the difference between knowing which bridges to cross and then how to do it.

A thousand bridges

One method to determine what is important in the 21st century, is to compare it to the 20th. As one might expect, technological advancement and the role of information technologies has gained great importance in our private and public lives. The digital world has started to dominate the realm of reality. It is not unwise to choose the path towards that bridge in the 21st century. And fast.

That one bridge

But how can we cross that bridge and maneuver between these realms? That is the problem in the 21st century. Pace seems to be a factor. People need to keep up with the technological developments. Learning never stops. Besides, coping with a variety of cultural and technological challenges cannot be avoided anymore.

Master class

Accomplishing success by implementing a pedagogy of multiliteracies is essential. The approach of the New London Group identifies the problems and how to deal with them. As individuals. As a society. And as students and teachers in the classroom. To find our way in the 21st century.


One comment

  1. Chiara

    Dear Florian,
    I scrolled through all the blog entries and got caught by the catchy and interesting title of your entry – so, well done, your article stood out.
    ‘The holy grail?’ was easy to read because of its clear structure and organization in various paragraphs. The entry held the reader’s attention by teasing the content of the different paragraphs with creative subheadings. I especially liked the way you started your text with a question for the reader. It served its purpose of getting the reader involved into the topic and finally the text.

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