Author: <span>teaching-writing</span>

Multiliteracies in the 21st century

Multiliteracies ae not only fundamental for communication but also for languagelearning. Since we live in a globalized world that increasingly becomes digitized, one is requiredto expand his or her communicative as well as technological skills even more. However, literacyhabits and skills that are taught in school do not necessarily reflect …

Multiliteracies in the English Language Classroom: Writing competence

Recent definitions of competences students should acquire in the EFL classroom include three receptiveskills – reading, listening, viewing – and three productive skills – speaking, writing and mediating(Surkamp/Yearwood 2018; Kirchhoff 2018). Writing, one of the productive skills, plays a huge role in theELF classroom, as it is used by the …

What role do multiliteracies play for writing in the 21st century?

Digitization has changed our lives a lot over the past few decades. Therefore, education has to be adapted. The pedagogy of multiliteracies becomes more important to prepare students for all areas of life in this modern world. Writing in the EFL classroom always played an important role in teaching. Nowadays …

Multiliteracies – a still-relevant concept nowadays?

The “Pedagogy of Multiliteracies” is a new approach of teaching and learning English that was developed by the New London Group in 1996. The two main ideas of this new approach are linguistic diversity and multimodal forms of linguistic expression and representation. The question is in which way writing is …

The end of power, privilege, and prejudice in our writing (?)

It is the 21st century and we are more aware of the importance of skills like critical thinking, problem-solving and social and cultural awareness than ever, aren’t we??? In this globalized world, we foster learning strategies and social skills because we may need to communicate and collaborate with people from …